Thursday 18 March 2010

EC One chats with Alex Monroe

With just under a week until our Alex Monroe evening, where we'll be unveiling his new Gardener Collection alongside a hive of other one-off goodies, EC One catches up with Alex to find out what inspires him, his favourite London spot, and the essentail jewellery item every woman should own...

EC One: Hi Alex! Now, we know you're a bit of a gardener yourself; was this the inspiration behind the new Gardener Collection?

Alex Monroe: This new collection was a real challenge for me. I've been designing jewellery for about 25 years now and I've seen too many fellow designers get a bit stale. I felt it was time to shake up what I do and how I do it, and the Gardener Collection was my chance. I decided to write a story about a girl who inherits an allotment, and a friend of mine illustrated it. The book was called The Gardener and from there the collection was born. As a result each piece of jewellery has meaning, a little story behind it. I liked the challenge of writing the book, and hope that it's kept my collection fresh and exciting!

EC One: It's definitely a job well done! Of all the pieces in the collection, what's your favourite, and why?
AM: Oh I never really have a favourite. That would be like having a favourite child! But I must admit there are some key pieces I'm fond of. The Pea Pod necklace does the job pretty well!

EC One: We have to agree, Rainy here at EC One has that very necklace, as do her two sisters! So, any favourite or recommended gardens that Alex Monroe lovers should visit?
AM: Kew Gardens of course. I designed a collection for them for their 250th anniversary, with little palm leaves and orchids. But I really love Chelsea Physic Garden as well. Very secret and tucked away.

EC One: Thanks for the tips! We must say, your jewellery has an ever-growing fan base here at EC One. What do you think people love about your jewellery?
AM: I hope it's because it's so wearable. It's pretty but not too sugary, it has a twist and a depth that others may not, and a sense of humour, too! It's almost like our fans are a kind of little family, they check our blog, come to our events... It's great!

EC One: We have a question from one of our Facebook fans, Lynn Doe. She asks: 'What made you decide to get into designing jewellery, and what is it about nature that inspires you?'
AM: It's one of those things.... I didn't really decide! I was 17 and needed to leave home and a place came up on a course in London. Luckily, it's just the way things turned out, and I guess I stuck with it because I loved it so much! Nature.... Hmmm. I guess I never really got in to anything else. I like it because I use it as a metaphor for lots of other subjects, and perhaps it's a bit nostalgic. I grew up totally wild in the middle of nowhere in Suffolk so I'm stuck with being a nature boy forever!

EC One: We can imagine you now, running free! So, to round up, what classic piece of jewellery should every woman own?
AM: Oooh I guess a super simple necklace that they can wear to work then out to a party. One they forget to take off. A classic piece that they wouldn't change for the world. I try to make pieces like that!

Alex Monroe in a Flash!

Bees or Butterflies?     Bees any day!

Night bus or Black Cab?     Yeugh. Cab I'm afraid.

Favourite London spot?     Home, or on top of One Tree Hill in Honor Oak with the kids and the dog.

Gold or Silver?     Still Gold right now.

London or the Countryside?     Countryside, not sure why I don't live there! Suffolk. By the river.

Favourite Holiday Destination?     Not so good at holidays... But there is a (secret) place in Suffolk I go to every year!

Guilty Pleasure?     Food, drink, music, films. All of the above.

Best advice you've ever been given?     You only get out of life what you put in.

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